KANKAKEE – Next week, Dave Baron, candidate for 2nd Ward Alderman in the City of Kankakee, will host a policy discussion panel over Zoom webinar to opportunities for growth in the area.
The event “The Next Generation Economy in Kankakee” is set for next Tuesday, Jan 12th from 7:00-8:00 p.m. and will feature a diverse and dynamic set of Millennial leaders who have embraced global economic trends while specifically choosing to establish their nascent businesses in Kankakee.
The panel will be led by Kankakee Public Library Board Vice President, Kent Wade, who will ask about the panelists’ experience and dive into broader questions about the impact of economic developments on our local community. Including: How can technology be made available to best serve our local small businesses? What does the gig economy mean for cities like Kankakee? In a globally connected world, how can we make use of our comparative advantages as a small, urban community?
“Asking questions like these and crafting policies that respond are exactly why I hope to serve on City Council. I can’t wait to hear from these Next Generation leaders of Kankakee on what we can do to build up our small businesses.” Baron explained.
The panel will include:
- Tyeisha Smith – Tye’s Creations (https://tyescreations.com/)
- Alec Schwengler – Sight Supply, Inc. (https://www.sightsupply.com)
- Larry Lewis, Motivational Management (https://www.facebook.com/MotivationalMgmt)
- Courtney Wade, Ebony Pearls Boutique (https://ebonypearlsboutique.com/)
- Cristobal Silva, Local Bites (https://localbites.delivery/)
Those interested in registering and attending the event can do so here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86449470359