Bourbonnais offers 45 picnic tables for outdoor eating, restaurant aid in Phase 3

Two children sit on a picnic table in Bourbonnais [Photo: Village of Bourbonnais]

The Village of Bourbonnais extended an open arm to area restaurants today.

The Village will offer 45 of their picnic toabela to Bourbonnais restaurants and bars in an effort to boost outdoor seating capacity.  

“This is a difficult time,” explained Mayor Paul Schore. “There is no denying that. And although this isn’t the full reopen our restaurants were hopeful for, this is at least a step in the right direction.”

Due to quantity limitations, village-owned picnic tables will be available to restaurants located within the village on a first-come, first-served basis. Each business may reserve a maximum of three tables.

“We have 45 picnic tables not being utilized this summer, due to the postponement of the Bourbonnais Friendship Festival. Instead of the tables just sitting, why not use them to help our small businesses? It’s a no-brainer.”

Reservations may be arranged, effective immediately, by calling Village of Bourbonnais Public Works at 815-937-0817 during business hours Monday through Friday 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. For added convenience, Public Works will provide business delivery and pickup of all picnic tables.

Guild lines for outdoor seating include:

  • Tables must be six feet apart
  • Away from sidewalks
  • Masks and social distancing measures must continue

Businesses are encouraged to reference the Illinois Department of Public Health and Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity for guidelines on safe re-opening and industry-specific business toolkits.

Village officials will revisit the table agreement on August 1st, based upon the current status and phase of the Restore Illinois reopening plan.

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