Bourbonnais school moves to remote after many cases connected to ‘COVID-19 situation’

Liberty Intermediate School in Bourbonnais will go remote learning through November 30th. [Photo: Country Herald]

BOURBONNAIS – Liberty Intermediate School in Bourbonnais will move to remote learning through the end of the month after a ‘COVID-19 situation’ has arisen at the school.

School administrations said in a letter to parents Thursday morning administrators could not completely confirm the situation with accuracy, but believe they have enough information to make an appropriate decision.

“We are experiencing a particular COVID-19 situation where we believe that multiple positive cases could be connected.” Dr. Adam Ehrman, Superintendent said Thursday morning in a letter to parents.  “This does not mean that we are able to completely confirm this situation with 100% accuracy, nor are we epidemiologists, however our close contact tracing protocols have indicated enough information to us at this time to make it a concern.”

As a result of the incident, the school will pause in-person learning and move to full remote beginning November 9th with no school set for tomorrow. The school district had previously prepared students and parents for the possibility of moving to remote learning since August when students first returned to in-person activities in the district.

“We will utilize the day for a Remote Learning Planning day as well as implementing additional cleaning measures for the building. Liberty Intermediate School will return on Monday November 30th for in-person learning.” Ehrman said.


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