Illinois Mother Shot Three Times in Police Incident: Mental Health Crisis Death Ruled Homicide


MORRIS, IL — Grundy County Coroner John Callahan has issued a ruling of homicide in the death of Alivia A. Schwab, who was shot three times by a Morris Police officer during a mental health crisis on September 29th. The dire incident occurred in the parking lot of Schwab’s apartment complex, with police initially responding to a report of an armed and highly distraught individual.

The in-depth investigation, incorporating an autopsy and interviews, detailed the moments leading to Schwab’s death. As officers arrived, Schwab, amidst a call with a crisis hotline and brandishing a knife, walked towards them, prompting one officer to shoot four times, three of which were fatal.

This tragic event has sparked a discourse on police interactions with mentally distressed individuals, particularly in the wake of Schwab’s struggles with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. The mother of three, her youngest being low verbal autistic, is remembered through a GoFundMe page set up to provide for her children’s counseling and funeral expenses, reflecting a community moved to action amidst tragedy.

As donations accumulate, surpassing $12,000, the Morris Police Department clarifies Schwab’s non-possession of a gun, while the family’s heartfelt pleas on GoFundMe call for support and awareness for those battling mental health conditions.


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