Exotic African Serval Safely Captured in Vernon Hills, Illinois, Following Bobcat Misidentification


VERNON HILLS, IL – The Vernon Hills Police Department has successfully located and assisted in the capture of an African Serval, initially mistaken for a bobcat in the Grosse Pointe neighborhood. The department issued a cautionary alert to residents Saturday about a potential bobcat sighting, urging them to watch their pets, particularly at night. According to the police, the exotic cat’s owner was identified and played a crucial role in its safe capture. 

Bobcats are indeed common in Illinois, particularly in the southern regions of the state. While the mistaken identity of the Serval as a bobcat caused initial concern, it provides an opportunity to educate the public on dealing with potential bobcat encounters. According to wildlife experts, if a bobcat is spotted, residents should use noise or motion-activated deterrents to make the animal uncomfortable.


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