Skate Plaza closed in Bourbonnais after acts of vandalism

The closure comes after weeks of acts of graffiti reported at parks throughout Bourbonnais

The Bourbonnais Skate Park is closed after acts of vandalism this week. [Photo: Village of Bourbonnais]

BOURBONNAIS – The Village of Bourbonnais has closed the Event and Skate Plaza after acts of vandalism were discovered this week.

“Due to vandalism which took place on Monday, August 24th, the skate park is currently closed. Graffiti and tagging public property is a punishable offense and will not be tolerated.” the Village said in a statement Wednesday morning.

The park will be closed until further notice.

“We apologize for the inconvenience and to those who responsibly utilize this local amenity.” the Village said in a statement.

Village of Bourbonnais officials are asking parents to talk with children about ‘respecting parks and equipmement’ in the area. For weeks, Bourbonnais Police have reported graffitti acts on park equipment throughout Bourbonnais.

“If you see something, say something.” Village reps said Wednesday.

In 2019, a skate park in Minnesota partnered with a local graffiti artist to cover up various acts of vandalism within the park and included students from a local middle school in the process.

“You have the skate park that represents the skateboard culture.” Thomas Barrett, the Executive Director of the Red Lake Boys and Girls Club said last year following the vandalism. “You have graffiti art representing graffiti culture and then we apply the Ojibwe culture – the seven teachings. And we use graffiti art to express that. It’s a clash of cultures so its relatable for the kids and it also teaches them some Ojibwe culture.”

The Skate Plaza in Bourbonnais first opened in October 2016.


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