Lemonade stands to get “bailouts” across America


Bailouts are headed to sidewalks stands across America.

Country Time lemonade is turning heads today as it turns to America’s youth to issue the “Littlest Bailouts” during the pandemic.

“We know this will be a rough summer for lemonade stands. And if the big guys are getting bailed out, why shouldn’t we help the littlest entrepreneurs get the same treatment?” said a statement on Country Time’s website.

The “Littlest Bailout” program will issue $100 checks to kids who can’t run their lemonade stands this year. 

In order to apply, kids have to write an essay about how they would choose to spend the money if they’re given the bailout, along with a photo of their lemonade stand sign, if they had run it.

Applications run through August 12th. You can apply here.


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