Scammers Preying on Will County Residents with Jury Duty Warrant Scam


JOLIET, Ill. – Will County residents have fallen victim to a jury duty warrant scam in recent days, where fraudsters call unsuspecting individuals and use fear tactics to extort money. 

According to the Will County Sheriff’s Department, the scam artists claim that the targets have active arrest warrants for missing jury duty and threaten them with incarceration unless they pay hefty bond fees. The deceptive tactics include asking for payment through gift cards, Venmo, or Zelle, adding a veneer of legitimacy by displaying fake caller IDs and even using names and badge numbers of local deputies.

The Will County Sheriff’s Office is urging residents not to fall for this scam. It is essential to understand that the Sheriff’s Office does not issue arrest warrants for jury duty non-appearances. Neither the Sheriff’s Office nor any local law enforcement agency will demand payments over the phone.

If you receive such a call, promptly hang up and report the incident to the Sheriff’s Office through their non-emergency number or the online report form at For anyone unsure about their jury duty status, visit


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