Momence Park District announces closure of Island Park, Playgrounds

Ottawa officials announced this week fines of up to $750 for violating park closures

[Photo: Momence Park District]

Momence Park District has announced on Friday Island Park and all playgrounds are closed. The closures will remain in place for the duration of the shelter-in-place mandate.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has made this action necessary for community and Park District staff safety,” the Momence Park District said Friday. “Thank you for your cooperation in keeping everyone safe. Stay home, save lives.”

No further information was given on how Momence Park District plans to enforce the closures.  Other are facilities have locked down courts, put up caution tape on playgrounds and asked local law enforcement agencies to maintain a watch on fields and playgrounds.

In Ottawa, it was announced violators could be fined up to $750 for violations of the closure.


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