Kankakee County COVID-19 count triples in just 12 hours


Kankakee County’s COVID-19 count has jumped from 4 to 13 cases, tripling the total for the county in just half a day.  Hour by hour today we’ve watched as COVID-19 count expanded, from 8 to 10 to 13, that count is expected to grow continuously over the coming week.

The news comes just a day after the ‘Great American Take-Out’ which urged communities to support small local restaurants across the area.  Restaurants that, under normal circumstances, would be more concerned with the Kankakee County Health Department than its residents.

Cook County reports the majority of cases in Illinois, reporting 993 this evening.  Neighboring Will County now reports 49 cases, the majority of those with underlying health problems according to the Will County Health Department. 

Grundy and Livingstone County both report 1 case of COVID-19 while tonight Ford and Iroquois still reporting in at zero. Tonight we ask, what needs to be done to slow the progression of the virus?


  1. Keep in mind that there is a 14 day incubation period for the covid-19 virus, therefore very unlikely it was related to the take-out event.


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