I’ve had many logjams in the course of my years in my mind, but I’ve always had something to curb it, yet it’s always the same. I tend to step back to sleeping with my headphones in.
The early days of this habit date back to when I used my Sony Discman to doze off with the sounds of 3 Doors Down or The Wallflowers late at night before a test in Middle School. Like most, I would lay there thinking about projects I’ve yet to get done, or excitement of the day or the week ahead. Ironically enough I’m writing an article while I lay in my winter frosted bed, sheets still iced over from the sudden dip in temperature as our winter weather toys with us like the child who’s having way too much fun discovering the joys of a thermostat.
Tonight, our area enters a Winter Weather advisory, just days after breaking free of the dreaded polar vortex that gripped our area. Ironically enough, as silent as our streets were during those few days, my head was not. It was instead, filled with the noise of ThunderSnow.
That’s what I call listening to Thunderstorms, while its winter. Maybe snowstorms would be more natural.
I know, it’s a weird thing, but it’s something that puts my mind at ease to replay events of the day prior, plans for the day ahead and re-establish my direction both in the moment, day, month, year…really there is no timestamp. It puts anxiety away and lets creativity flow.
According to a scientific study, sounds of nature like rainfall or babbling streams (and thunder) have restorative and relaxing side effects on our psyche, physically adjusting the way our brains work and reducing our body’s fight-or-flight tendencies.
For the icy frosted rivers of my mind, that’s saying a lot!
Throughout the course of the year I’ve found several different tricks that help combat nerves and weariness to finally get me to sleep. For a time it was deep house relax music, then meditation tunes. Chel Hamilton has an amazing podcast called Meditation Minis, but I’ve rarely drifted off in the 8 minute window she provides. Maybe if I listen to 4 or 5 back to back it can do the trick. Don’t even get me started with lullaby nightmares that Wayne June has come to provide me with over time reading H.P. Lovecraft!
We all have our thing, for now, mine is “Thunder Therapy.” Give it a listen, and let me know in the comments what you’re currently listening to in an effort to settle down for a nights’ rest!