Northeastern Mystery: Green Fireball Lights Up Skies Over parts of Pennsylvania, New York, Maryland, and Canada


Havre de Grace, MD – A brilliant green fireball streaked across the sky early Saturday morning, captivating witnesses across the northeastern United States and parts of Canada. The mysterious light, initially described as a throbbing glow behind the clouds, has been identified as a meteor by the American Meteor Society (AMS).

According to the AMS, the fireball entered Earth’s atmosphere at approximately 3:45 a.m. ET and burned up as it descended. Reports of sightings came from Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and as far north as Ontario, Canada. At least nine official reports were filed with the AMS, with some witnesses describing the meteor as “SO BRIGHT.”

Fireballs are extremely bright meteors, sometimes outshining Venus in the sky. Scientists explain that the green hue is caused by the intense heat and ionization of metals, including nickel and magnesium, within the meteor as it travels through the atmosphere. Most meteors disintegrate before reaching the ground, and no impact has been reported in this case.

While fireballs enter Earth’s atmosphere daily, most go unnoticed due to their occurrence over oceans or remote areas. The AMS notes that only the brightest, like this weekend’s event, catch widespread attention.

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