Blue Kids & Pinwheels Sweep Across Kankakee and Iroquois Counties


BOURBONNAIS – April is Child Abuse Prevention Month and in recognition, Blue Silhouettes of children are displayed throughout Kankakee & Iroquois Counties to represent the children who have suffered as a result of child abuse or neglect.

The outdoor “Blue Kids” are put up by Child Network, a member of the 21st Judicial Circuit Family Violence Council, Child Abuse Prevention and Awareness Committee. Child Network is a non-profit agency working in Kankakee and Iroquois Counties to improve the response to child sexual and physical abuse and to advocate for the best interest of abused and neglected children in the court system.

Pinwheels are a happy and uplifting symbol of the bright future all children deserve. They are the centerpiece of a growing movement across the nation committed to stopping child abuse before it starts.

In recent years there has been progress made in the area of child abuse prevention, but we must continue to move forward with the message that child abuse and neglect cannot and will not be tolerated.

We as a community have a responsibility in knowing how to recognize abuse and neglect and knowing the proper steps to take to report suspected child abuse and neglect. A community that cares about early childhood development, parent support and maternal mental health, for instance, is more likely to see families nurturing children who are born healthy and enter school ready to learn.

By working together, our community can help to ensure that some day there will be no
more “Blue Kids” acting as silent witnesses of child abuse. If you suspect that a child is being abused or neglected, please call: The Child Abuse & Neglect Reporting Hotline: 1-800-252-2873 or 1-800-25-ABUSE.


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