The United States Postal Service issued a statement late last Thursday on the state of their operations regarding the Coronavirus.
“The Postal Service is continuing to monitor the circumstances around the novel coronavirus, also known as “COVID-19.” We are sharing the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) guidance regarding the COVID-19 epidemic to our employees via stand up talks, employee news articles, messages on bulletin boards, and internal messaging inside USPS workplaces.”
The Postal Service adds there is no evidence for transmission via packaged goods at this time, according to the CDC.
“CDC states there is likely very low risk that the COVID-19 can be spread from products or packaging shipped from China, because of poor survivability of coronaviruses on surfaces. Also, according to the CDC, there currently is no evidence to support the transmission of coronavirus associated with imported goods; and there have been no reported cases of COVID-19 in the United States associated with imported goods.”
While USPS prides itself on relentless service throughout various conditions, the agency has suspended its operations in the past for unsafe conditions. Just last year, service was suspended to parts of Michigan, Central Illinois, Chicago, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Kansas, Pennsylvania, Iowa, Indiana, Ohio, South and North Dakota and Nebraska due to the Polar Vortex and sub-zero temperatures.
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