Northern Lights to Illuminate the Midwest Skies Tonight

Aurora ALERT northern

Midwest – Residents across the Midwest have a rare chance to witness the Northern Lights tonight. The US National Weather Service reports that skies are expected to be partly cloudy to mostly clear, offering good conditions for viewing this awe-inspiring natural phenomenon. Temperatures will drop into the low 60s, making for a cool and comfortable evening outdoors.

The Northern Lights, or aurora borealis, occur when charged solar particles interact with Earth’s atmosphere, creating vivid, colorful displays in the sky. The event is set to begin around 9 p.m., with peak visibility between 10 p.m. and 1 a.m.

For the best chance of seeing the aurora, it’s advised to visit areas with minimal light pollution, such as rural locations or open fields. According to the National Weather Service, skies should be clearest around midnight, providing the prime window for viewing the lights.

This is a unique opportunity for Midwest residents to experience one of nature’s most spectacular shows. Be sure to check local weather conditions and find a dark, open area to enjoy the view.


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