Indiana Man Charged with Identity Theft, Stealing Over $100k from Naperville Resident

The roof of a police patrol car at night, with the blue and red lights flashing.

Naperville, IL – A Chesterton, Indiana man faces serious charges for allegedly committing identity theft and causing over $100,000 in losses to an elderly resident of Naperville, Illinois. The Naperville Police Department, after an extensive investigation that started in October 2021, arrested Zoran Tasevski, 43, on Feb. 5, 2024.

According to police reports, Tasevski, reportedly employed as a live-in aide, has been accused of allegedly failing to manage the financial responsibilities entrusted to him, resulting in unpaid bills and the victim’s eventual hospitalization. An investigation revealed that Tasevski allegedly exploited the victim’s personal and financial information since 2019, applying for credit cards in the victim’s name and unlawfully accessing the victim’s bank accounts.

Tasevski’s arrest was a coordinated effort involving the Naperville Police, U.S. Secret Service, and Chesterton Police Department. He faces a Class X felony charge for Aggravated Identity Theft and a Class 1 felony charge for Theft. 


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