Illinois ‘Stay-at-Home’ Week 1: 3,491 COVID-19 cases, 47 dead

McCormick Place to become Hospital; McDonalds donates 400,000 N95 masks to essential workers

[Photo: McCormick Place]

“Today marks one week since our Stay-at-Home order was put in place.  We’re increasing testing capacity every day.  We’re stopping at nothing to obtain supplies and equipment that we need for our hospitals and our medical workers.” Governor Pritzker said earlier today. “I’ll continue to do everything necessary to bend this curve and to keep Illinoisans safe and healthy.”

Among today’s death announcements included an infant, becoming the youngest death in the United States due to COVID-19.  A full investigation to confirm that is underway by State Officials.  The City and State of Illinois is in full swing preparing for a surge of COVID-19 cases in the coming days, both in the City of Chicago, and across the State.

“In partnership the City of Chicago and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, we’re planning to use the City’s McCormick Place Convention Center as Illinois 1st Field Hospital. “  Governor Pritzker announced this afternoon.  More details on that effort will be announced in the coming days.  “We’re not waiting for the worst.  We’re preparing ourselves, for the worst.”

During today’s address, the Governor said the State is continuing to seek out PPE across the globe, with millions of orders placed.  “We’ve been shipping these out to the Counties across the State, as needed, and as they arrive.”

The State said today they’re proud of support hundreds of businesses and thousands of people who have reached out with donations of PPE.  “Each mask, or gown, or set of gloves will make a difference for one of our front line workers.” Governor Pritzker said. “All of our donors should be extraordinarily proud of the part that they’ve taken in fighting this COVID-19.”

This afternoon, the State announced McDonalds Corporation headquarter in Chicago has donated 400,000 N95 masks to protect essential workers during the pandemic. “If you or a business owner that you know thinks that they might have supplies that could help, including tattoo parlors and nail salons and elective surgery centers and podiatry clinics and dermatology clinics and even construction companies.  I encourage you to contact us.”

Organizations and business owners looking to reach out to the State of Illinois to provide PPE assistance can email them here.   


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