Not-a-Trick: Illinois hits new COVID-19 record Halloween, nearly 8,000 cases

Region 7’s seven-day positivity continued to climb to new records Saturday, now at 10.8%

[Image: IDPH]

BOURBONNAIS – Illinois officials announced Saturday afternoon the state set a new record for positive COVID-19 cases in a single day. 

The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) announced 7,899 newly confirmed cases Saturday, hours before towns across the state begin Trick-or-Treat on Halloween.  The agency has now reported 410,300 cases since March. IDPH added an additional 46 deaths on Saturday, which now stands at 9,757 dead in the pandemic.

Among Saturday’s newly reported deaths included three residents of Will County.

Saturday’s seven-day positivity is now at 7.5% and rising. As of Friday night, 3,228 residents were hospitalized with COVID-19.

IDPH is asking all residents who choose to participate in the annual tradition to be vigilant and wear a mask while trick or treating this Halloween. CDC Monday released its guidance for Halloween, recommending low-risk activities that stay within the home. “Celebrating virtually or with members of your own household poses low risk for spread,” the CDC said on its website earlier this week.

Communities across Illinois have already permitted trick-or-treating within their towns, including Joliet, Kankakee, Bourbonnais and others.  Elsewhere, in Buffalo Grove, the town has advised residents from going door-to-door.

Region 7’s seven-day positivity continued to climb and set new records Saturday.  The seven-day rolling positivity rating now sits at 10.8%.    It’s the 24th straight day of increases in positivity within the region.

Last Wednesday, 1,307 tests were processed in Kankakee County resulting in 116 confirmed cases for a seven day rolling average of 8.6%, a new record for the County.  In Will County, 2,929 tests were processed the same day with 383 confirmed cases for an 11.4% weekly rolling average. 

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