Kankakee Mayor Extends Fee Deadlines for Liquor, Gaming and Business Operators due to COVID-19


Kankakee, IL – The City of Kankakee collects license fees from liquor, gaming and business operators annually. The licenses are effective May 1st through April 30th with a $25 late fee for business licenses. 

“Governor Pritzker issued an executive order to Shelter in Place at 5pm on March 21, 2020.  As the executive of the City, I declared a State of Emergency for the City of Kankakee on March 24, 2020. Though most business owners have prepared over the past 10+ months to pay their annual fees, I want to provide some relief for those who may need more time,” said Mayor Wells-Armstrong. 

As a result, the deadline for liquor licenses, gaming terminals and business licenses will be extended until June 30, 2020. 

At this time, vehicle stickers will follow the annual schedule and sales will start June 1, 2020. Fees collected support the general revenue fund budget which provides police services, fire protection and other services for residents.

For business licenses, please contact the City Clerk’s office at 815-933-0480 during regular business hours between 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday or email businesslicense@citykankakee-il.gov for additional information. You may also download a copy of the application from on the City of Kankakee’s website at https://citykankakee-il.gov/perch/resources/application-2020-business-licenseapplication.pdf.

All businesses, including home-based, must complete an application and submit corresponding documents as outlined on the application to register and renew their licenses in order to be in complete compliance. All present and future businesses operating in the City of Kankakee must now register annually.

“The administration has been diligent in regularly providing resources for small business owners on the City’s website and social media accounts. Further information can be found at: https://dceocovid19resources.com/pdf/DCEOCOVID-19EmergencyResourcesforBusiness.pdf. Additionally, through the passage of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), stimulus checks were issued to qualifying residents. For residents who have filed unemployment compensation, they started receiving an additional allotment up to $600 per week in unemployment compensation.  I will continue to pursue resources for the community as we manage through this pandemic,” said Mayor Wells-Armstrong.

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