Kankakee Community College Ghost Hunting for LLI

The “Ghost Hunting” workshop will share how to get started in ghost hunting and finding the paranormal. The instructor, Margaret Wolf, will share inexpensive tools you can use and places to visit.

A free pre-Halloween workshop on seeking supernatural situations will be Wednesday, Oct. 30 at Kankakee Community College.

The class is part of the KCC Lifelong Learning Institute, which offers non-credit, continuing education courses on different intellectual and cultural topics. Classes are open to people ages 50 and older.

The “Ghost Hunting” workshop will share how to get started in ghost hunting and finding the paranormal. The instructor, Margaret Wolf, will share inexpensive tools you can use and places to visit. Wolf will also discuss some of her notable experiences and personal philosophy of spirit interaction. The class meets Wednesday, Oct. 30 from 1-2 p.m. at KCC in Room D300. The session is FREE, but registration is required.

More information and a complete description is at www.kcc.edu/LLI. Online registration is available. At www.kcc.edu/LLI, sign up or login, then select the course, click on the date and add it to your cart. Within the cart, checkout. To register by phone, or for more information, phone 815-802-8207.

The Lifelong Learning Institute offers affordable, high-quality, non-credit classes that take place in an environment that fosters participation. Some classes meet for one day on a specialized topic, others delve deeper over several sessions.


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