“We have to have our elections continue, in my opinion. This is the right thing to do. Our democracy needs to go on and we need to elect leaders. If we canceled these elections, you know, when would you have an election, would be a question I might ask. The most important thing is that we’re taking every precaution,” Governor Pritzker stated at his daily coronavirus briefing.
Among concerns for coronavirus (COVID-19), polling places have made adjustments, some even relocating away from nursery homes. Election officials say workers will disinfect and wipe down every polling station.
“While we adjust to the circumstances, it is important to continue to be compliant with the safety precautions that were issued,” said Mayor Wells-Armstrong.
Polls will close at 7:00 p.m. tonight on March 17, 2020. For more information, contact the Kankakee County Clerk’s office at 815-937-2990.
To look up your polling place, head here: https://www.kankakeecountyclerk.com/election-information/polling-places/
For more local updates, check the Kankakee County Clerk website at https://www.kankakeecountyclerk.com/election-information/.
You can view results for the Illinois primary election here: https://results.enr.clarityelections.com/IL/Kankakee/101647/Web02.242101/#/