AgeGuide Provides Nutrition Program for Older Adults in Kankakee County


LOMBARD – AgeGuide, the Area Agency on Aging for Northeastern Illinois, is announcing effective October 1, 2020, operation of Older Americans Act (OAA) nutrition services program in Kankakee county will be temporarily transitioned to AgeGuide while a search is conducted for a new provider.

Through a contract with Mom’s Meals, home delivered meals will be delivered directly to participants. AgeGuide staff will coordinate delivery of meals and work closely with the Care Coordination Unit in Kankakee County; Catholic Charities, Diocese of Joliet. Catholic Charities will be responsible for determining the eligibility of the older adult to participate in the home delivered meal program. AgeGuide will provide nutrition education and information on other services available to older adults.

Due to COVID-19, any older adult age 60 and older is considered temporarily home bound and eligible to receive a home delivered meal based on funding availability. Select community dining locations are also open and have “to-go” meals available for interested participants who have made a prior reservation. Anyone who would like to receive a home delivered meal or is interested in “to-go” meal locations in Kankakee county should contact AgeGuide at (800) 528-2000 for more information.

“The goal is to have a seamless transition for the home delivered meal and community dining clients.” said Marla Fronczak, Chief Executive Officer for AgeGuide Northeastern Illinois. “We are confident in our plans for the coming year and will continue to search for an organization to provide nutrition services in Kankakee County.”

AgeGuide will be soliciting Letters of Interest from non-profit and local government organizations interested in delivering nutrition services for Kankakee county residents in early spring of 2021 for Fiscal Year 2022. Funding for Older Americans Act nutrition services are partially provided by federal and state funds in combination with funds from community partners and donations.

If you are an organization or know of an organization who might be interested in providing nutrition services, contact Brianne Moser, Manager of Grants Administration at


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