Streator Fire Department Responds to Accidental Blaze on Sunday Evening

Structure, fire title card

Streator, IL – Fire crews responded to a house fire Sunday evening at 604 South Sterling Street. The Streator Fire Department was dispatched at 5:47 p.m. to reports of smoke inside the home.

According to the fire department, Engine 3, Engine 2, and the Fire Chief arrived in less than four minutes. Crews encountered light smoke from a bedroom and discovered a mattress and box spring on fire. The blaze was quickly brought under control within five minutes. Firefighters removed the burning items from the home and ensured no further damage occurred.

Additional crews, including Tower 5 and Rescue 4, also assisted on scene. In total, eight firefighters responded to the fire, which caused minor smoke damage. No injuries were reported.

The fire department determined the cause was accidental after completing its investigation.

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