Kankakee Police Department Has Joined Neighbors by Ring: A New Neighborhood Watch App


Kankakee, IL – Residents can now partner with the Kankakee Police Department to help reduce crime and improve public safety in the community right from their smartphone. The Neighbors by Ring app provides residents with alerts and updates happening in their neighborhood. It also allows users to share tips, video and photos with the police. Police can then communicate with neighbors on the app.

“The app makes it easier for our residents to access information about incidents that happen in our community and to help solve it,” said Police Chief Frank Kosman.

Once downloaded, the Neighbors App uses the resident’s address to create a radius around their home. Users will then receive alerts from neighbors or the Kankakee Police Department. The app was implemented in the City of Kankakee on August 9, 2019. Kankakee police have already started to receive videos from neighbors.

“We are excited to take advantage of this opportunity to partner with the residents of Kankakee in keeping our communities safe,” said Sergeant Avery Ivey.

“As the administration continues to drive the Kankakee Forward agenda, public safety must be addressed from a position of collaboration.  Therefore, having our residents partner with our police department through the use of the Ring app empowers our families to help foster safer neighborhoods,” said Mayor Wells-Armstrong.

Residents can text kankakeeil to 555888 to download the app for free. The app is not meant to replace calling 911. Residents are still encouraged to immediately report emergencies to the police department. All tips provided by users are anonymous unless residents choose to identify themselves. For more information, visit citykankakee-il.gov or download.ring.com/kankakee.


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