Central High School goes remote, 95 now isolated in Herscher schools

Students will go remote through November 5th at Central High School


ASHKUM – Central High School was one of many schools across the area to report additional cases of COVID-19 among students on Thursday afternoon.

In a letter to parents, Central Community Unit School District No. 4 Superintendent Tony Evans reported a student at the High School had tested positive for the virus and was last at school on Wednesday, October 21st.

“So far, in total this school year, the District has had three confirmed students with COVID-19 and one confirmed case with staff members. The number of students that are being required to quarantine has significantly increased at Central High School.” Evans reported in a statement. “Due to the possible exposure risk to more high school students and staff, Central High School will go to remote learning, for all high school students beginning on Friday, October 23rd, 2020.”

Evans said students can expect to return to in-person instructions on November 5th.  

No change is expected at other area schools.

Herscher continues to battle virus woes

Herscher Community Unit School District No. 2 is reporting five new COVID-19 positives among students days after reporting three students positive at Herscher High School.

The latest positives include two students from Herscher High School, two students from Limestone Middle School, and one student from Bonfield Grade School.

“The last time the COVID-19 positive student from BGS was in the school setting while they were contagious was Friday, October 16th. The last time the other four students were in the school setting was either Monday, October 19th, or today, October 22nd for one of the high school students. Please understand that we cannot disclose the name of the person(s) diagnosed or suspected of having COVID-19.” Superintendent Dr. Richard Decman said in a statement Thursday.

Since returning to school, Herscher schools have reported 19 confirmed cases among students with one confirmed case among faculty. There are now 95 students in isolation in the Herscher school district.

Since Monday, the Kankakee Health Department has reported 211 new cases of COVID-19. Additional mitigations will begin today in Region 7 to combat community spread of the virus, including a ban on indoor dining at area bars and restaurants.

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