The Kankakee Public Library kicks off June with a multitude of various events this week. Â
June 11th – Club Overdue Book Discussion
June 12th – League of Women Voters of Kankakee County
June 13th – Cricut Basics for Craft Lovers
June 14th – Bingo with the Books
June 17th – Chess Club, Poet’s Arrow
Tuesday, June 11th, Club Overdue meets to discuss June’s selection entitled Vox by Christina Dalache. Club Overdue meets on the fourth floor gallery and features a variety of books, food and lively discussion. Vox is a story set in a United States where half the population has been silenced and the unforgettable story of what one woman will do to protect herself and her daughter. The event starts at 7pm.
Wednesday, June 12th, the League of Women’s Voters, a non-profit bipartisan organization meets at 6pm on the third floor meeting room of the Kankakee Public Library. The organization is dedicated to educating young women and teens on ways to participate in the political process.
Thursday, June 13th is Cricut Basics for Craft Lovers! Do you enjoy making projects and crafts with Cricut machines? Join the Kankakee Public Library’s Cricut Basics, a place to share your ideas and learn new techniques! Cricut machines are the ultimate electronic cutting machines for DIY projects and crafts. With Cricut Design Space software, you can design and create projects with your machine. Cricuit Basics will be meeting this month on Thursday, June 13th and Tuesday, June25th from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. in the third floor meeting room. Supplies will not be included. This program will be open and free to the public.
Friday, June 14th is Bingo with the Books! Bingo! Are you looking for a place to play fun, free bingo? At the Kankakee Public Library, come join us for Bingo with the Books every second Friday of each month from 10:00a.m. to noon for a chance to win an assortment of prizes. The next scheduled date for the month of June will be on the 14th in the fourth floor of the Kankakee Public Library. Snacks will be available! Invite your friends and relatives to play along! This event will be open and free to the public. For more information on upcoming events, checkout the Kankakee Public Library’s Facebook page, or contact the library at 815-939-4564.